Thursday, September 24, 2015


Remember when you were a kid and your birthday was coming up?

Or maybe Christmas was coming up?

It seemed as if time dragged as you looked so forward to the event.  It never seemed to be fast enough to get to that moment so you could enjoy it for the five minutes before looking forward to the next event.   Ahh, the joys of being a kid.

Now, as I have gotten older, time seems to fly by.   It seems like yesterday the Wild season was over.  Or just last week when I had my South Padre trip (documented here on this blog).  Another one is how we booked our vacation about a month and a half ago to go to Vegas, and now it is a week away and I am like "where did the time go by?".   Almost funny how that happens in life.  Maybe it is because our lives are so busy with work and things, and we can't focus on that anticipation and excitement of the event.

So the Wild have started preseason, and I am looking forward to the regular season on the 10th of October (2015).  I have a feeling this will be a good year, even with how last year finished with a clunk.  I am sure time will fly again and it will be the Holidays, and then the Stadium Series game in February and then the playoffs in April.  

I need to try and savor things more, instead of them just blowing by.   Maybe I can start with this trip to Vegas.   We have a couple shows scheduled, but really, I think I am going to try and enjoy the amenities of the hotel we are at.   Just try and relax and not think about work if I can help it.

So look for more posts soon covering the Vegas trip, as I find this is the best way to keep track of what is going on, or has gone on in the past.   I mean, my memory is already pretty bad, so it is nice to go over past postings and revisit what I have done and my thoughts at the time.

Not sure if anyone reads this, but at the worst, it is for me.

Take care everyone, and until next time from Vegas!


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