Monday, July 27, 2009


So, as I stated in my first blog, I am currently deployed to Iraq. I have been in the military for almost 18 years now, and am working towards my 20. This is my second time having been deployed, the first time was in 2003/4 when things were still early on in action here. Things are really different this time, but in some ways, they are the same.

I will start with the similarities. I am doing my job, which is communications. Doesn't sound like a big deal until you realize that a lot of people get drafted into other things than they are trained to do for their 'job'. Deployments before this one that people were on had them doing convoys and road clearings instead of their communications job. So I have been lucky twice now in that I have been able to do my job. Another simularity is the heat. It is damn hot here still. And being further south this time than last, I think a little more humid, as I am closer to the gulf. Still walking around with my weapon, which gets old after a while. Trust me on that one. Another similarity is that things are still getting built up here. Sounds funny since we have been here in this country for five years plus, but we took this area over from the Brits, and there wasn't a lot of build up. So the PX is getting built, and the small PX is only somewhat stocked. Building projects going on all over, and it is just interesting to watch things changing every day around here.

So now for some differences. Last time, I lived in a tent most of the time, but then in a building sharing a room with more than one person. Now, I am staying in a CHU, which is basically a long container split into three two man rooms. I have air conditioning in my room, and I also have the internet in my room. Can't complain there. Another thing is all the officers. Last time, I was on a team that was away from most everyone and supporting a battalion level element. This time, I am with my company supporting the division. Lots of brass around, and believe it or not, they insist on saluting in the area. This can be annoying when we are getting off shift and walking back to our rooms, and all we see are officers heading into work. Another difference is my team. Last time, I was with a bunch of 'strangers' on my team from Iowa. There were some difficulties, and I felt like an outsider almost. Almost. Anyway, now I am deployed with my unit from Minnesota, and enjoying being with people I know. Really making the deployment better overall.

So that is about it for now on the deployment. Time to start getting ready for shift now. IT is going well, and time seems to be going quickly, which is nice. As stated earlier, it is getting closer to my leave to Australia, which I am really looking forward too. Maybe next post I will talk about that, or else I will talk about some other things about me. Who knows.

Until next time.......

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