Tuesday, July 28, 2009


So, I like to read history. I don't really specialize in anything. If I had to pick a favorite subject, it would probably be World War II. I have read a lot of stuff though, and have a pretty good knowledge. I don't really read much concerning after WWII, because it just doesn't capture me. I can't really say why I like history so much. Maybe it is the quirks that arise, or the interesting stories.

Like how when Peter the Great of Russia was at war with Sweden in the early 1700's. He got his ass handed to him in 1704 (I think) and the king of Sweden felt that the Russians were pushovers. So he focused on Poland and was trying to have his own king put on the throne there. (As a sidebar, the history of Poland is very unique as well. One of the few countries of that period that had an elected king, and not necessarily hereditary. But I digress.) So while the swedes are busy in Poland, Peter is rebuilding his armies and training them. Finally, in 1709, they fight again, but this time the Russians returned the favor and kicked the swedes ass. The war continued for another 12 years, but basically the Russians were winning. In 1719, Peter is at the mouth of the Neva river in what is still technically Swedish territory. He takes his sword, cuts a swath in the ground and says 'We are building a city here.' Thus, St Petersburg was founded. The background on why he moved the capital is fascinating too, but that is what I like about history.

So because I tend to have off the wall knowledge of history, I have been given crap by my team here in Iraq. The running joke is that I am about 4000 years old, and that I have been involved in every major event within history. 'Swenny, tell me about the civil war.' 'Hey Swenny, what was it like in the Roman Legions.' I just shake my head and laugh. I may be old compared to most on my team, but I am not that old.

So, probably expect some history stuff here on the blog now and then. I enjoy many history podcasts. I also am reading a couple history books. Right now I am reading 'Six Frigates: The Epic History of the Founding of the US Navy' and I am also reading 'The Tsar's Last Armada' which is the story of the Russian fleet that sailed from the Baltic Sea half way around the world to the Tsushima Straits, to be annihilated by the Japanese navy in the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-05. Both books are fascinating in their own way.
Other topics in the future will be other interests that I have. Wine has become a current favorite. I can't really enjoy it now, being over here, but I was learning about it before I left, and hope to expand my palette when I get back. Maybe next post will be about wine.

Until then......

1 comment:

  1. My favorite period in history would probably be the old Greek times or Roman times. I love reading about that stuff and how a TON of modern 'things' originated back then, particularily astronomy, which I have a real soft spot for.

    Speaking of the Greeks, what was it like when Persia invaded? Were you scared?
