Friday, November 21, 2014

Back....after a long long time.

It has been a long long time since I wrote on here.  I look back at the posts from over five years ago and it brings back memories.   Many good, some OK.  But that was the purpose of the blog at that time.   To try and retain those memories.

But now, five years later, after I found this blog again after being reminded by someone a little while back, I think I want to do something with it once again.   I know there have been a lot of changes in my life since my last post.

Obviously I am back from deployment.  I came home to a new house that my wife had found for us.  We also had a new addition of a dog to our group.  Keisha our husky is gorgeous, but has her moments.  We have lost two of our dogs since then.   Lacy passed away after a tumor burst inside of her.  That was hard as it was so sudden.  Ali passed away after nearly 16 years of life.   Pretty good considering she had three litters in her life.   We have the addition of Sophie, who is part Bernard, part Pyrenees.  She is just over two, and still a pain in the rear.

I am still working with AT&T, and I still love my job.   Every now and then I think about trying something else within the company, but then I look at the perks I currently have and realize that I got it good.

I have retired from the Army.   That was in January of 2012 when I hit 20 years of service and got the heck out of dodge.   Now don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the people I was with and had many experiences I will remember for the rest of my life.  Or at least until I lose my memory completely.  But there was also enough crap and stuff that I am glad I am out of it.  

Not sure what else to bring up here for now, so I will leave it at that.   I hope to use this forum to put down thoughts and maybe topics that I just feel like putting out there.  

I don't know if anyone is even going to read this, but I don't think that is the important part.  The important part is to put things down now so I have the memories down the road.   Just like the posts originally on this blog from five years ago.

So have a good day, and thank you for reading.

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