Thursday, September 24, 2015


Remember when you were a kid and your birthday was coming up?

Or maybe Christmas was coming up?

It seemed as if time dragged as you looked so forward to the event.  It never seemed to be fast enough to get to that moment so you could enjoy it for the five minutes before looking forward to the next event.   Ahh, the joys of being a kid.

Now, as I have gotten older, time seems to fly by.   It seems like yesterday the Wild season was over.  Or just last week when I had my South Padre trip (documented here on this blog).  Another one is how we booked our vacation about a month and a half ago to go to Vegas, and now it is a week away and I am like "where did the time go by?".   Almost funny how that happens in life.  Maybe it is because our lives are so busy with work and things, and we can't focus on that anticipation and excitement of the event.

So the Wild have started preseason, and I am looking forward to the regular season on the 10th of October (2015).  I have a feeling this will be a good year, even with how last year finished with a clunk.  I am sure time will fly again and it will be the Holidays, and then the Stadium Series game in February and then the playoffs in April.  

I need to try and savor things more, instead of them just blowing by.   Maybe I can start with this trip to Vegas.   We have a couple shows scheduled, but really, I think I am going to try and enjoy the amenities of the hotel we are at.   Just try and relax and not think about work if I can help it.

So look for more posts soon covering the Vegas trip, as I find this is the best way to keep track of what is going on, or has gone on in the past.   I mean, my memory is already pretty bad, so it is nice to go over past postings and revisit what I have done and my thoughts at the time.

Not sure if anyone reads this, but at the worst, it is for me.

Take care everyone, and until next time from Vegas!


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Vacation - The final days (yeah, all four of them)

So call me lazy.  Call me a procrastinator.   Call me, well....considering my shape of late, you can't call me late for dinner, that is for sure.

Anyway, I am finally putting down the last few days of the vacation as it ends tonight and I am back to the daily grind tomorrow.  So here it goes.

Day 9 - Nothing.  Literally, nothing stands out from this day.  Just a lazy day in the condo as we look to prepare to leave on Friday.   We went out to eat at Senor Donkeys, and it was pretty good.   I did listen to the Wild on iHeart radio and they got the win, which was good to hear.

Day 10 - So this is the day we pack up and leave the condo.   We load up the car and are on the road a little after noon.   We stop at a couple of shops to get some souvenirs and such of our trip.  It is then on to Harlingen and stop at Jack in the Box for lunch.   I have to agree with Kim that I wish we had some Jack's up here in Minnesota.   We get to the hotel to check in for the night.  We did this because Kim had a very early flight, and I wanted to get on the road.   After check in, we then went out for supper at the Longhorn Steakhouse.   It was a great dinner for our send off on a very nice relaxing week in Texas.

Day 11 - An early start.  Up around 5am, On the road by 6 to get Kim to the airport at 6:30 or so.  Her flight is scheduled for 8am.   I drop her off and then I am off.   I found out the museum in KC wasn't open on Mondays, so I needed to get there Sunday if I want to see any of it.   So I am rolling down the road pretty good.   At 8:30, I get a call from Kim.  Their plane had to turn around due to a mechanical issue and they are off the plane.   I tell her to keep me up to date as I go.  I was able to get all the way to Ottowa, KS, which is less than an hour from KC.  I pull in at 9:30pm and get to wind down.  Kim wound up sitting at the airport all day.  They had to fly a new plane down from Minneapolis.  It landed about 6:45pm, they loaded up and got in the air about 7:30pm.   So I got to my hotel before she landed about 12 hours later than she was originally scheduled.    Obviously the dogs were really happy to see her.

Day 12 - I drive into KC and get to the WWI museum shortly after they open.  It was snowing as a big storm had hit Iowa and the southern edge was through KC.  Fortunately I had a hotel in KC for Sunday night so I wouldn't have to try driving through that morass of weather.  So the museum was awesome.  I spent a couple hours there and could have spent longer, but didn't.   I hope to come back with Kim and maybe some of my buddies who might be interested.   It was amazing the things that are there.   I then drove over near the hotel, but it was too early to check in.  So I found a small sports bar and went in for lunch.  It was really empty, but they were getting ready for the Superbowl later in the afternoon/evening.   I had an open faced cheeseburger with chili all over it.   It was really good.  So after killing some time and filling my belly, I head off to the hotel.  I check in and relax for the evening.   I watch the big game, and it was a pretty exciting game.  Then I crashed in preparation for the home stretch.

Day 13 - I leave KC about 7am and it is cold.    I am glad to get out early though as I don't know how the roads are going to be.   Fortunately, they weren't too bad.   The storm had stopped for a while and some cleanup had already occurred.   As I was driving through Iowa, it was common to see a vehicle in the ditch.   I think around Des Moines, I saw a ton in the ditch.   I got home around 2pm and unloaded the car.   We then dropped the car off after Kim got off from work.

Day 14 - The last day of vacation is relaxing at the house.  I did some laundry, but other than that, it was nice in quiet, except for my return to duties as doorman for the dogs.   We went to the hockey game tonight, and the Wild picked up a big win against the Blackhawks 3-0.    Hopefully the Wild can keep up this winning and get back in the playoff picture.  

Tomorrow is back to the grind, but I was glad to enjoy these two weeks off and away from work.  Now what will be the next trip/vacation/or heck, blog post?


Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Vacation Day 7 & 8 - South Padre Island

Still chilling/relaxing here in South Padre.  The weather has been outstanding here with clear blue skies and warm temps in the lower 70's.   Much better than forcasted.

Day 7, Tuesday, I did not go for a run.   I know, I said I might do it again, but I am lazy.  I admit it.  I did have trouble sleeping, so woke up at 3am.  I stayed up and played on my computer and waited for the sunrise.   It was well worth the wait.  Watching from about 6:20am until sunrise around 7:10am, the colors were a sight to see.   Watching the sky slowly turn from inky black/blue to red/orange to the flare of the sun coming over the horizon.   Always an event to enjoy when you can.  

This screwed up my sleep though as I went back to bed around 8am and slept until about noon.  Kim had gone down to the pool a little after 10, and when I went down there, I noticed she was a bit pink.  So we came upstairs, relaxed a little bit more.  Then it was off to Dirty Al's for dinner.  The shrimp was awesome, as always.   We stopped at CVS to get some aloe and some sunscreen and then came home.   I stayed up to listen to the Wild get the win in Edmonton.    Then it was bed around 11:30pm.

Day 8, Wednesday, was another lazy day.   Slept in, then hung out in the room and enjoyed the breeze from the gulf.   Really didn't do anything until dinner time when we went to Louie's Backyard.   They have an all you can eat seafood buffet that also had prime rib on it.    We both agreed that it was really good and we felt we got our money's worth between the prime rib and crab legs that we both devoured.    Then it was back to the condo to relax for the evening.   Truly a lazy lazy day, but hey, isn't that what vacations are for?

Tomorrow looks to be another lazy day.  Maybe some laundry.  Maybe a walk on the beach.   Getting ready for heading out of here Friday.  Kim's flight is early Saturday morning and I then drive back.   I had planned on making up my miss of the WWI museum on the way down by hitting it on Monday before I drove home.  Well, that won't work because they are closed on Mondays.   So, the plan is to drive as much as I can on Saturday.   Then I hope to get to KC on Sunday in the late morning, catch the museum and then check into a hotel there and crash/watch the superbowl.  

We will see how that plan goes.


Monday, January 26, 2015

Vacation Days 5 and 6 - South Padre Island

This is truly a relaxing vacation.   Not much going on, so no reason to do a blog post everyday.

So Sunday, which is the first full day on South Padre Island, we slept in until about 10.   Then we lazed around, walked on the beach for a bit, and took a nap for an hour or so.   We then got up, cleaned up, and went out to Pirates Landing for Dinner.   I got Kim to get a drink so we could get the free glass.  I was driving, so I couldn't have the drink.  The meal was good.   I had the shrimp and fish platter, she had the shrimp basket.   We then came back to the condo and relaxed for the evening.

Monday, today, I got up around 8am, and Kim got up a little after that.   She went back to bed for a couple hours, and I took a nap for an hour.    After waking up from that, I actually threw on the running shoes and did a slow jog for a bit.   It felt good, but I can tell that I am waaaaaaaaaaaay out of shape.   Ran just over half an hour and walked back that distance on the beach.   Came back and relaxed until mid afternoon.   Then cleaned up and went out for a drive.   We drove north on the main road until it stopped at the sand dunes.  It was kinda cool to see all the dunes and shrubs.  We then turned around, washed the car, and then had pizza.   The pizza was good, although it could have been left in the oven maybe two minutes longer to make it perfect.   Now we are back in the room relaxing for the evening.

I plan on getting up tomorrow morning early to see the sunrise.  Our balcony looks over the gulf, so I am sure it will be an awesome sight.   Dinner tomorrow night is at a place called Louis' that is supposed to be a really good buffet.   I think I am going to also try and get out for exercise again.   Who knows, maybe this will turn into a regular thing again.  Maybe.


Saturday, January 24, 2015

Day 3 and 4 - Dallas to Harlingen, Harlingen to South Padre Island

So I forgot to do a post yesterday on Day 3, and Day 4 is about done, so I am going to combine them both.

I woke up at 3am in Dallas and couldn't get back to sleep as I thought about how terrible rush hour was going to be if I got a late start.   So I woke up, did my normal morning stuff, loaded the car and got on the road at 4:45am.  Yeah, my normal stuff takes a bit, but I like it, so bite me.   Traffic through Dallas was great.   I didn't see anything because it was dark out, but it was smooth.

I drive on down to Austin and have to stop for gas.  Also, I hit rush hour traffic there, as it was about 7:30am.   I keep seeing $1.79 for gas as I drive by, but then I have to stop and fill up.  Of course, I find the most expensive gas in Austin at $1.86 per gallon.   Still cheaper than home, but really?   Anyway, I fill up and drive through.  The weather was a drizzly rain, so I didn't stop as I got into San Antonio.  Why look at the Alamo in the rain, right?

So I got to Harlingen around 2pm and check in at 2:30 or so.   Right before that, I eat at this nearby place.  I got a mushroom and garlic po boy.   Now I thought it would have beef with the mushroom and garlic.   I was wrong.   Really not that good.   I get settled in the room, doze for about 45 minutes before Kim calls.  She is on her way to the airport and her flight is on schedule.  It is about 6pm now, so I relax in the room, but can't get back to sleep.   I check on her flight around 8pm, and she is running ahead, so I decide to head out early.  

I got her as she came in, and since she had zero bags (because they were in the car with me), she didn't need to go through baggage claim.   We stopped at Whataburger for some food, and then got back to the room to sleep.

We slept in, enjoyed the free breakfast at the hotel, and then left around 11am.   Drove to Sams Club to check it out/pick up a couple items.   Then we drove to South Padre Island.   We got here at the condo around 1pm and they let us check in early, which was very cool.   We loaded up most of the stuff on a cart and went up to our room on the ninth floor.

It is a quaint 2 bedroom condo with a balcony that looks over the Gulf of Mexico.  You can easily hear the waves crashing in and the sea gulls crying out.   We got settled and then went to Dirty Al's for lunch.  We had shrimp and calamari and the shrimp was awesome.  The calamari was OK, but we will be back again.   We hit up Walmart and HEB (the local grocery chain) for some groceries and such and got back to the room now.  

So now it is time to relax and really start the vacation.   Not sure what our plans are for tomorrow, but really, we don't need any plans.


Thursday, January 22, 2015

Day Two - KC to Dallas

This stretch was pretty much straight driving.   Fortunately the weather was good for driving.  There were some sights that I saw while driving, and it was interesting to see oil wells pumping.   They first showed up in Kansas, and Oklahoma obviously have a bunch.

My only complaint about the drive was when I was in Kansas, there is a toll on the road in Kansas that starts north of Witchita about 60 miles, and goes to close to the border with Oklahoma.   Now if there is one way to deter stopping and seeing some sights, it is set up a toll road where you have to pay to get off of it, and then pay to get back on it.

I saw a couple casinos in Kansas, a bunch in Oklahoma, and then one big one at the border with TX and OK.   By then, it was getting dark, the weather was starting an annoying drizzle that isn't enough for wipers regularly, but just enough to have to use them.  Also, there is a bunch of construction going, and I had to watch for my exit.  So I didn't really pay too much attention to my surroundings as I got to my hotel.

The room is really nice.  A big king sized bed and a nice TV.    Not that I plan on using the TV, as I am going to pass out early tonight.   I went out to go to Blooms Candy store, as they are supposed to have a ton of different flavors of, similar to the huge candy store in Jordan, MN.   I was a little disappointed when I got there.   They had a bunch, but it wasn't as big as I expected.   I randomly picked up 8 different flavors.   Then I picked up subway for dinner and went back to the room to wind down for the night.

The next leg is on to Harligen.   I may stop in Austin to meet one of my coworkers, and the account team there.  Depends on what time I am passing through.  Googlemaps has the trip at 8 hours though, so I may just blow through to make sure I get there.  I know I plan on getting up super early here and on the road to try and miss rush hour traffic here in Dallas.

Wish me luck, and until next time!!


Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Day One - Ordeals

So after the trouble with the car, I get up early to get everything together.  I know I won't get the car first thing in the morning, but I am hoping by 10, or maybe 11.   Not my luck.   I get picked up around 12, get the car, load it up, and get on the freeway at 1pm.   So much for looking around Kansas City in the day.

So the car.   It is a nice car.  Leather seats, lots of bells and whistles, and so far, good gas mileage.  The poor point is that it has a tiny trunk space.    One of the reasons we got the car was so we could take a bunch of stuff with us instead of buying it down there.   Also, it makes it easier for Kim to fly, as she doesn't have a ton of luggage.   Well, I got less than half of our stuff in the trunk.  One large suitcase, one bag, a couple cases of Angry Orchard, and a couple of pillows.   That is all I could get in the trunk.   Everything else went in the back seat or in the front seat (that was the cooler with my snacks and such for travel).

The trip itself was OK.   I had a couple unscheduled stops, but overall, it wasn't too bad.   I am listening to the Life of Ceasar podcast that I subscribe to via iTunes.   I highly recommend it if you want to have some fun while learning.   I plan on listening to more as I continue my drive.

So I got to Kansas City around 8pm.   Super nice hotel and I am up on the 20th floor.  It is a good view.  I decide to eat at the hotel, as I am tired and don't feel like wandering the streets.   The steak was good, but I probably should have gone out.   Now I am about to head off to bed and rest up for the next leg of the trip to Dallas.   I will take some pictures before I go.  I do have the puck with and plan on getting some puck pictures while vacationing.


Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Vacation - The Beginning.....

So it has been a while again, but I probably will blog semi-frequently again as I track My vacation.  I have done this for the last couple of major trips I have been on, and it is helpful to remember things later.  Because I have a bad memory at times and this will help.

So the plan is to drive down from home here in St Paul, MN down to South Padre, TX.  I have three days to get to Harligen, where Kim is flying in to meet me Friday night, and on Saturday, we check into the condo at South Padre and spend a week on the beach.   No dogs, as they get to stay home with the brother in law.

So I have things planned out.   Pick up the car Tuesday night after work, head out early Wednesday morning to KC.  Stop and see the WWI museum and stay the night at a nice hotel.   Thursday, head out to Dallas and stay the night there.  And then Harligen on Friday night.   Sounds simple right?

Well, right off the bat, issues.   We had reserved the car with Hertz a couple weeks ago.   Went out there, and then I look at the confirmation.   We had set it up for Wednesday, not Tuesday!!!   Not good, but mistakes happen.  So the guy is really nice.  He doesn't have a full sized car for us, and all he has is a dinky little two seater.   I am not taking that down to South Padre and back.  He talks us into upgrading to a nice Buick Lacrosse.   It needs an oil change and to be cleaned up, but he will have his guys do that first thing in the morning, and they will pick me up.  

So hopefully, I will be on the road to KC around noon.   This means I will have to do the Museum on the way back.  But that is OK, as I have more time to get back than I have to get down there.   So this change of plans means I get into KC in the evening, probably around 6pm or so.   I will check in and then probably find a good steak place to eat and enjoy.   Then I should be back on schedule to get to Dallas.

That is it for now.  I figure I will blog tomorrow night to talk about the car, the road trip to KC, and whatever I wind up doing before heading to bed.

Hope you enjoyed this, and if not, oh well.  This is more for me and my memories.
