Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Day 3 - Travel to Cairns

Today was our flight up to Cairns (pronounced 'Caans' as in Tin Cans). We checked out of our hotel at around 10am, and caught a cab to the airport right away. Our flight wasn't until 3:20pm, but we wanted to make sure we got there in plenty of time. Plus, we had our bags and you can't really look around and sight see with your luggage in tow.

We got to the airport and had to wait a little before checking in. Nothing special to say here. It was an airport terminal. Got checked in around 12:30 and then I went and had some Nachos and a beer while I waited. The nachos were actually pretty good, and I was ready to fly.

We boarded on time, and didn't take off until about 3:45. The flight was uneventful and we landed around 6:30pm. The sun was setting, so it was dark by the time we got our luggage and rented the car. That's right, we rented a car to get a little practice driving up here in a quieter area than jumping into the deep end down in Brisbane.

Now driving here is slightly different. They drive on the left side of the road, and the steering wheel is on the right side of the car. Franck, being a student driving instructor, took the first go and didn't do too bad. It was a short drive to the hotel, and we got checked in with ease.

The hotel this time is really really nice. I had a fruit basket with a welcome card with my name on it when I got in the room. When I turned on the tv, it said 'Welcome Swenson' on the screen. Nice little touch. It is well spread out, and I have plenty of room in my room. We had supper at the hotel restaurant, and then racked out in our rooms for the rest of the night. The only real knock on the place is that there isn't internet in the rooms. Not a major deal though as I don't need to be logged on 24/7. There is spots in the resort that have it, so I can log on for an hour here and there to keep up with facebook, post to the blog, and keep up with the news.

Tomorrow we are just going to do a little shopping for clothes, schedule our trip to the Reef for Thursday or Friday, drive around Cairns a little, and otherwise relax and unwind for the day. Should be a good day, and I will tell you all about it, later.

Until then.....

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