Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Podcasts and other things

So I thought I would write about some of the podcasts that I currently am enjoying. When I first heard of podcasts, I thought that I wouldn't be interested in them. Why listen to people talking about things when you can do that by listening to the radio? But then I realized that there were so many different subjects out there to listen to, and so I looked into it more. I found a bunch of history podcasts, some college history courses that released the lectures as podcasts, and also some fantasy football podcasts. There are so many other things out there, and I thought I would talk about some of them.

For the history podcasts, I am currently listening to 'History According to Bob', 'Hardcore History', 'The History Network' and 'TPN:Napoleon 101'. I will start with Napoleon. This podcast started probably three years ago, and has pretty much finished up. If you have any interest in Napoleon, this is a great podcast that covers from his early life until his death. The podcasts can be lengthy, but they are still very good. 'The History Network' is a podcast that covers military history. They come out every other week for about four months, and then they take a break before starting up again. These last about 15 - 25 minutes, and very well done as well. 'Hardcore History' is done by Dan Carlin, and it is one person's look at history. I like how he talks so passionately about his subjects and brings up things you don't really consider. The podcasts there are from half an hour to an hour, and they are very well done. Not as regular as I would like, but when a new show comes out, I am very interested to see what is new. Finally for the history podcasts is 'History According to Bob.' This is my current favorite for podcasts. Bob is a professer from a college in Missouri, and has been teaching for over thirty years. He does a daily podcast, except for Sundays, with each day being a basic topic. Currently, Mondays are Rennessaince warfare, Tuesdays are Indian wars, Wednesdays are currently the Russo-Japanese war, Thursdays is the age of Napoleon, Fridays is the Civil War, and Saturdays just started with gangters. These podcasts are about 10 - 15 minutes, and are very good information for the specific topic. If more time is needed, they are broken up in multiple parts. Bob has done these podcasts for almost four years I think and has a lot of podcasts that he offers on disc for sale. He has covered WWI, the crusades, pirates, and a whole bunch of different subjects.

The other regular podcasts I listen to right now is 'The BS Report with Bill Simmons', the fantasy football podcasts sponsored by ESPN and CBSSports, 'Wine Library TV', and I just started up with the Adam Carolla podcast. I can't say much of Carolla, since I only just started it. I have heard him on the BS Report, and recall him on the Man Show and other places, and it might be interesting. I like the fantasy football podcasts because I enjoy fantasy football, and they provide good information as we get in gear for the new year. For the BS Report, it is usually sports oriented, but there are sometimes other guests. It is just a fun podcast to listen and enjoy. Finally, Wine Library TV is fun because I enjoy the host and how he describes the wines he is tasting. As noted on a previous post, this podcast has helped inspire the passion that I have with wine right now.

That is about it for the podcasts. I am sure there are others out there that people enjoy a lot. As I stated, there are so many subjects out there you can find. Not much else going on with me. Getting closer to the trip to Australia. It will be nice to get away from here in the desert for a couple of weeks. Things here in the desert are going as well as can be expected. I will probably put a post up about the position of "Company Historian" that I have been appointed to recently.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the post, and perhaps this will inspire you to check out some podcasts on your own. If you want, feel free to comment and share some of your favorite podcasts.

Until next time....

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