Monday, August 17, 2009

Sydney Day 2 - National Maritime Museum

Well, day two in Sydney, and I feel as if I haven't really done much while here. I know we really don't have much time scheduled here, but having looked a little bit, I bet we could have done all two weeks here without any issues at all. I am still looking forward to Cairns though, and will try and relax there more. I felt a little rushed here because I wanted to take advantage of the short time we are in town.

The day started out well. I got up and posted the prior blog posts that are here. Gathered up Franck and Hubred and tried to decide what to do. Franck wanted to just relax and hang out. I was going to go to the Maritime Museum. Hubred decided to tag along and off we went. First though, all three of us went and had some lunch.

We went to the same place we had gone to yesterday, because it was really good. Also, they had this juice drink called Acai which is based on a berry from the Amazon Jungle. Very fruity flavored and sweet. I had a steak sandwich, and they had pasta. The food was really good, just as it was yesterday, and then Hubred and I headed off to the Museum.

We walked again across the bridge, and I got a bunch of day pics of the Opera House. I will upload more pics when in Cairns, as they seem to have issues with lots of downloading/uploading here. Anyway, so we walked to the Museum and got a bunch more pics from around town. There were a lot of ships in the wharf, to include a Cruise Liner. But the Museum had the best of the bunch.

So we paid to tour all the ships they had and started with the submarine. It was really really cramped in there, but cool in its own way. Then we took a tour of the destroyer class ship they had right next to the sub. Again, that was cool. The star though was the rebuilt 'Endeavour'. This ship is a copy of the ship that Captain Cook used for sailing in the late 1700's and explored off the east coast of Australia.

Now this ship was really cool. Amazing how cramped the quarters were, and thinking about people sailing on it. The ship we were on had actually gone around the world twice itself on tour, which is also amazing. I think what I was really fascinated by was the rigging. It is amazing all the rope and tackle that is on the ship to work the sail.

From there, we walked into the museum to look at the stuff inside. They had a section on the US Navy and interactions with Australia. One cool section was on the "Great White Fleet". I think I will cover that in another post, but for me, it was cool to see. There was a big exhibition on Darwin and his travels, and a bunch of other maritime stuff. We had arrived there around 1pm, and they closed at 5pm, so I felt a little rushed at the end, but not too badly.

After that, we started walking back. On the way, we stopped at a bar/pizza place, and had Kangaroo Pepper pizza. I was a little disappointed in the size, as I expected it to be a little bigger, even though I had seen the plate it would come out on. The pizza was sweet, which was also surprising because I expected it to maybe be spicy. Otherwise, it tasted like a steak pizza with sweet sauce. Not too bad, but could have been better I think.

Then we walked home across the bridge. My camera's battery had died by now, but that was ok, because it was getting dark, and I had plenty of night time pictures from the previous night. We got back to the rooms, and now I am just relaxing for the evening. Got some laundry done, and now hanging out until bed. Tomorrow we check out around 10am, and fly out around 3pm. Then it is a week in Cairns, or as they pronounce it 'Caans'. I just hope this flight doesn't have issues like the last flight we were on.

Until next time.....

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